It's a little ironic that my first post here comes at a time when I am feeling completely un-mom-a-rific. I am pretending not to be a mom, even though I feel like I should have a big sign over my head that says "FIRST TIME AWAY FROM MY BABY - HANDLE WITH CAUTION."
Walking through the airport, I felt this affinity to every mom I saw carrying a baby - I wanted to offer to hold them, and help them through their flights. And, at the same time, I felt amazingly FREE. I feel a little guilty because, to be honest, it's nice to be traveling sans baby - without the massive diaper bags and fear of spit-up. Without the fear that everyone else on the plane is hoping that they're not stuck sitting next to *that* baby on the plane.
I'm traveling on business doing job interviews. And even though I'm interviewing for jobs, I'm also interviewing the communities the jobs are in to see if I think this would be a good place for my family. Sadly, we'll be leaving the colorful sprawling world that is southern California. And in comparison, most of the places I'm looking at look really White. We're talking L.L. Bean White. We'll be in for an interesting ride, especially considering that S, my husband, is a sushi chef. I get the feeling that there are some parts of the east coast don't even know the difference between "Chinese" cuisine and "Japanese" cuisine, based on the number of restaurants I've seen called things like "Tapei Tokyo" and "Peking Sushi." Kimchi would probably just completely blow off everyone's little cardigan sweaters.
- eliaday