It's true, I don't care if my child goes to Harvard; but, I do care deeply that she does indeed go to college. It can be a state college, but it has to be the BEST state university, not some Cal State Chico bullshit kind of party school. She can go to UC Berkeley or UCLA.
Maybe this schizophrenic way of thinking is a result of being half-Korean: My Korean half says "must-get-PhD-and-marry-successful-lawyer-or-doctor," while the other (Anglo) half is like all, whatever. My Seoul-born mother has a Master's Degree; my American dad dropped out of college.
I am looking forward to being part of this group blog of moms who are linked to Korean culture in some way. Some of us are 100%; others of us are half; others still might be married to Korean men. We all have something in common and, I guess, one of the goals of this blog is to find that common bond of Korean-Mom-ness and riff on it.
I look forward to getting to know you.