I can't believe that halfway through this craptastic season of Survivor, I'm still watching. Not only watching, I'm now totally invested in the outcome. Sure, I strayed for a while and flipped over to the congenial and cute Ugly Betty (to which I shall return as soon as Survivor is finished). Now, I'm back and I just can't seem to give it up already.
I was just about to throw in my buff, so to speak, until they did this whole "mutineer" thing where members of one tribe were permitted to voluntarily join the other team. Candice and Jonathon, formerly of "Team Whitey" decided to jump ship and get back in with their original teammates, Adam and Parvati. I don't think it was so much a racial thing as Candice having a hormonal reaction to Adam, and Jonathan's utter stupidity (or brilliance?) in following Candice.
They left behind the skeleton crew of Team Yobo (Becky and Yul, admittedly my favorites being both Korean and lawyers), Ozzy, and Shundra. Team Yobo and crew proceeded to kick ass in every single challenge since then, by bonding together and forming a real team. This makes me actually want to watch and cheer them on. Even Ozzy is starting to grow on me, and I've always liked Shundra. So, come Thursday night, I will be glued to my TV and watching to see if any of my new favorite team will be voted off. I have vowed to stop watching when the last Aitu team member is voted off, because there isn't anyone left on the Raro team that I would want to win.
Right...I say that now, but I'm pretty sure I will watch the finale no matter what.
If you're interested in being on TV, CBS now has applications for Big Brother, Survivor, Amazing Race and a new show called Pirates on their website. My six year old son is begging to be on a show called Pirates, but shiver me timbers, mateys, I will have to pass on that one. It will either involve pillaging and plundering or playing baseball for Pittsburgh. Either way, I can't see that as a good time.
Arghhhhh! So what are your guilty pleasures? Ever been tempted to try out for a reality show?
Cross-posted at The Silent I, where I am attempting to keep up with NaBloPoMo and not lose my mind in the process.
Photo credit: CBS website
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