Edited 3/10/08: Bill Kapoun had already passed away by the time I wrote this post. You can still donate, however, as his bills still need to be paid (thanks to Carole from Korea for letting us know).
Bill, may you have some peace, away from the pain. My thoughts and prayers are with you, and all your family and friends.
I received this e-mail from a co-worker, and would like to share it with you:
One of my friends from [college] was teaching in Korea when two weeks ago he was caught in a fire in his apartment, which ended up burning about 70% of his body. He is in really bad condition and doesn’t have insurance. His family and friends are trying to raise money for him to come home. Read more about his story here ... (note, the pictures are not for the weak stomach).
If you would like to donate directly to his fund, you can do so at BillKapoun.com.
I also encourage you all to Digg this story.
Thanks everyone, for your time and attention. If you can, please help this young man get home to his family and get the medical attention he needs. I know if it were my son, I'd do whatever it takes.