A former co-worker of mine is a Korean Catholic nun. A sister.
I am not religious. I may be faithful but I am not religious. However, I do have fondness for tradition, rites, rituals, and healthy sense of pride, fall, sins, and punishment. And I had hoped to some day become a nun, not as a religious vocation but more as a social and spiritual one, when I grow up. Of course, my mother being a Korean protestant would never allow me to step inside a catholic church.
Sister S stopped by last week to see if I would be interested in joining a support group run by her church. Apparently the women in the group are like me: first generation Korean immigrants who were married to white men and are now divorced.
Her church also provides a Korean language school for little ones like my Little Nabi.
I am not interested in the support group. I am not sure how comfortable I would feel around so many nuns. They seem so pure and I feel so... inadequate to be around them. Besides, it sounds like the women in the group are older... and they are mostly recent immigrants so I think some of the issues surrounding their divorces and mine are quite different.
BUT. I suspect Korean food will be abundant. And, LN can learn Korean. Maybe. She will attend only every other Sunday due to parenting time arrangement.
I am not religious. In fact, I cannot bring myself to ever belong to organized religion, a concept that seems to bring so much sorrow into the world, in the name of god, religion, and church.
Did I mention Korean food and language school for my daughter? (And perhaps a potential fulfilment of lifelong dream of becoming a nun?)
-Mama Nabi