Dear Kimchi Mamas and Readers:
I just received the following annoucement from the folks at the Hapa Project (led by Kip Fulbeck - author of 100% Hapa). Please follow the link if you are interested!
Happy New Year!
Journalist and TV
personality Veronica De La Cruz is looking for people to be interviewed for an
OBAMA documentary: Did you grow up
mixed-race? Bi-racial? Wiling to share your story? How do you feel an Obama
presidency might change people's perspectives on race? Are you tech-savvy? Do
you blog, vlog or have a video journal? Did you do campaign for
Obama and use the web or new media? How so? We want to hear from
you!! Please drop us an email and preferably a video explaining why you would
make a great subject for the documentary. Reach out to us:
[email protected]