A recent episode over at momversation got me thinking about this issue.
It seems like circumcision is becoming less and less popular in the US and some are even calling it "mutilation" or "amputation." I had no idea that people were so passionate about this.
I know that in Korea, a lot of boys are circumcised when they are older... like in 5th, 6th grade or even when in high school. I remember watching a Korean movie about a gangster who returns to high school. He and a bunch of other teenage boys at his school get circumcised together. Boy, were they ever in pain. I don't know what the practice is now.
According to Wikipedia "Circumcision in South Korea is largely the result of American cultural and military influence following the Korean War. "
I feel like most Korean men are circumcised and that most Korean women prefer a circumcised penis. Did I just make a huge huge generalization? (Please no lynching.)
My husband and I decided to circumcise our first son and will most likely circumcise our second son as well. We made that decision with many factors in mind... but I am pretty convinced that circumcision does reduce the risk of getting UTI in infant boys.
I wonder what other Kimchi mamas and our readers think about this topic? Please don't hate or judge me because I chose to circumcise my son... but I guess I can't control how others feel/judge me and my actions.