Everyone has their personal favorite harbinger of spring. Mine happens to be the cheery yellow forsythia bushes, especially the kind that are allowed to grow wild and unkempt. I had the chance to photograph my daughter in a particularly extravagant forest of forsythia growing by a park. It was just perfect for fulfilling one of my dreams, which was to recreate with my daughter this photo of me taken just a few weeks before I left Korea:
I spent that last month before I left Korea in Wonju, with my maternal grandparents, while my parents prepared for the big move to Chicago, and some of my fondest early childhood memories are from that time in that place.
How do you and your families celebrate spring? Please share links to any images you may have.
Also, mark your calendars for a special post on Children's Day, May 5th! You won't want to miss it!
~ Sarah-Ji