My 6-year-old, Isaac, just started attending Tae Kwon Do classes. I figured it would be a good way to develop agility and athleticism while simultaneously introducing him to an aspect of Korean culture that he's never experienced before. Plus, he'd look so cute in the uniform.
What caught me by surprise, however, was that athletics is only one aspect of the curriculum: much of the teaching revolves around inner qualities like respect and integrity. It is drilled into every aspect of the class: when doing jumping jacks, the kids count out, "1 sir! 2 sir! 3 sir!" Also, at the end of every session, they line up and individually thank their parents. My jaw dropped when I heard that. Gratefulness is something that can be taught? How novel!
Isaac also brought home a sheet labeled "Homework." I thought I'd share the content with you all because this is the kind of homework I can really get behind!
12 Home Rules for Martial Arts Students -- Practice every day!
Greet Your Parents!
When meeting: "Hi, Mom!" "Hi, Dad!"
When leaving: "Good-bye!"
Show Respect!
Always be respectful to parents, teachers, friends, family, and elders.
Be Kind!
Be kind to your brothers, sisters, family and friends.
Get Good Grades!
Work hard in school and try to get “A’s” every day.
Be Neat and Clean!
Keep the house neat by cleaning up after yourself.
Keep your hair, body and teeth clean every day!
Don’t Interrupt!
Do not interrupt adults when they are talking.
Eat Healthy!
Eat your vegetables and drink plenty of water every day!
Be Polite!
Say “Please” and “Thank you.”
Be Honest!
Always tell the truth, no matter what happens.
Be Responsible!
Do what you promise to do and admit when you are wrong.
Be Loving!
Say, “I love you” to your parents each day.
Be Humble!
Never brag or boast. Let others be “first.”
(Copyright 2010 Susan Fields and World Power Martial Arts)
Isn't this list amazing??? It's like the 12 Commandments of Mom. I love how they make each rule sound so simple and attainable. It would take me years of nagging to get Isaac to the point of even learning these rules, let alone abiding by them. Plus, since they come from a third party, the children are much more open to that kind of influence, for which I am extremely grateful. So grateful in fact, I think I'm going to sign up a certain 3-year-old girl as well.
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