I dislike nosey Korean ajummas (even though I may be one of them.) I do my best to smile, nod, and ignore them... let it go in one ear, and come out the other. You see, I don't care what you know, until I know that you care. (Sorry folks, I did not come up with that awesome quote myself.) I discovered that I dislike nosey White ajummas too.
I got a great dose of it this past weekend. It was a rather strange experience. I walked to a local cafe with the baby and boy. While we were there, this White ajumma started talking to my son. She completely ignored me. Didn't even say hi or ask me any questions. But she went on and on and on and on... and on... talking to my son. Even to my 1 year old. Her topics ranged from why pirates weren't the "bad guys" to how infants can sign before they can talk to what the meaning of "sick" is when teenagers say it. I was too amused and stunned to say anything while in her presence. It wasn't like she was trying to have a conversation with my 3 (almost 4) year old. She was talking "at" him. He was struggling to just say some stuff he wanted to say. I laughed.
Afterwards is when I started over thinking and getting mad at this strange woman for trying to push down her own values down my kid's throat. (OK. I'm exaggerating.) Maybe I should have been more protective. I certainly don't want him to start saying "sick" at this age. That would confuse the heck out of me. Why mention anything about signing? What am I supposed to say? Thank you oh wise one for enlightening me to this fact. Or was I supposed to say, Yes he does know how to sign THANK YOU VERY MUCH I AM NOT A BAD MOTHER and STOP trying to indirectly tell me how to parent.
She didn't stop until we got up and left.
In the words of Ayelet Waldman, the BAD MOTHER police are everywhere. I swear, there are lots of us who have control issues.
- another lame post by yours truly, Mary