So, three of us saw Man from Nowhere (ahjuhssi) last night and I was glad to see that Won Bin is hotter than ever. The movie was quite violent... I overheard a random ajumma commenting to (who I guessed was) her daughter that it was violent. But given my Korean movie experience (Old Boy anyone?), I kind of expected it so I was not too terribly shocked.
If I was not such an avid Won Bin fan and if I wasn't Korean, I think I probably would have thought that the movie was very corny... but since I am a huge Won Bin fan and all, I soaked up all the corny goodness and was totally balling my eyes out during every "sad" scene.
It's a good thing that it's so hard to get guns in Korea... rates of suicide and homicide would doubtlessly sky rocket if guns were all of a sudden made available as they are in the good o' U.S. of A. (I really hope there aren't avid NRA folk here or else I just shot myself in the foot.) Koreans, in general, are so easily swept away by passion and heated-ness. Yes, I am totally generalizing...
Did I mention, Won Bin was HOT? And I think his acting was quite good. The close ups were SUPER close up so it was harder to judge the acting (for me) but my tears were a rollin' so he did a decent job. He played such a lovable character - who was very violent and killed a lot of people. The juxtaposition of comedy in the midst of mind-disturbing violence was rather strange too... but I've seen this often in Korean films. I also noticed, Won Bin has some good looking hands... I've always found a man with nice hands attractive. OK. I'd better stop before my husband starts getting jealous. (Sorry babe!)
I'll leave you with a hot pic:
- Mary