Marja Vongerichten, wife of three-star Michelin chef Jean-George Vongerichten, has created a series that seems tailor-made for us Kimchi Mamas. Part travelogue, part documentary of self-discovery, part cooking show, "Kimchi Chronicles" takes the Vongerichtens around Korea, highlighting all the different dishes and culinary traditions, then interpreting them for the home kitchen with the help of...Hugh Jackman. Here is a clip of Marja introducing the rest of the gang to what looks like 육개장 (yukgaejang).
An extra-long preview of the series can be seen on the New York Times site. There, you will be bombarded with image after image of HD deliciousness...I can't watch it without drooling!
Marja will also be publishing a cookbook in August, and it's already up for preorders on Amazon. Just think about it: authentic Korean recipes adapted for the western home kitchen, written in English, from a Michelin-star family...I can't wait to get my hands on it! Here are some pics:
The show will make its nationwide debut in July, but it is currently running in New York (you lucky bums). If you have seen it, please let us know what you thought below! How's the cinematography? Does it accurately portray Korea and Koreans? How much does Marja's personal life story come into play? Is it food porn, and/or Hugh porn? Enquiring minds would like to know!
PS: Later this summer when they are released, we will be giving away DVD sets of the series as well as the cookbook, so stay tuned!!!
PPS: All throughout writing this, I kept misspelling "Hugh Jackman" as "Huge Jackman." Freudian much?
PPPS: Man...I am HUNGRY.