I really enjoyed reading everyone's comments on my last post about ethnicity/race here... but now I am curious...
What is the "right" way to ask questions about a bi-racial/multi-racial (or not-so-obvious ethnicity/race) child's ethnicity/race? Especially if the child is only with one parent and it's not obvious, or if the child is adopted from a ethnicity/race not the same as both or either parent. Or is it even Kosher or PC, to ask about ethnicity/race anymore?
Some of the wrong ways might be:
Is your child adopted?
Is your wife/husband Oriental?
Is that your friend's son/daughter?
Are you the nanny?
Is he/she from China?
Where is your family from?
If you are the parent of a multi-racial or biracial child, how would you prefered to be asked about your child(ren)'s race, if at all?
- Mary