I am currently totally addicted to just finished a Korean drama series called Queen of Housewives. It's on Hulu. My efforts to watch less TV is totally out the window. Anyway, I liked it because it's kind of funny. And of course, there was eye candy.
I never knew of Oh Ji Ho before but yeah.. me like.
The other thing that happed in the drama, which I found to be quite believeable was about nepotism. The company claimed to hire based on merit alone, but everyone knew that nepotism was rampant. A hiring manager's nephew was a shoe-in for the job, which Oh Ji Ho ended up having to compete against the nephew to get.
Also, the new hires had to find higher ups to latch onto if they wanted to get ahead in the company. Otherwise, they would not get promoted or get important assignments. The amount of kiss-assing that was going on was totally unbelievable.
Anyway, these are just some ramdom thoughts that are going through my head after watching this drama. I haven't seen a Korean drama for a while but it was fun to watch this one and think about what kind of commentary it could be making about Korean society.
I think Korean society has come a long way, but it still has a huge road ahead to have anything resembling equal opportunity employement. I'm not claiming that America is perfect. I'm sure a lot of that goes around here as well... but I am willing to bet that the scale of nepotism in Korea is WAY off the charts, compared to what goes on in the USA.
- Mary