I feel nauseated! I have never before in my life read something that gave me a physical reaction like this. I have the physical urge to throw up! I don’t even know where to begin. I’m going to try... Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto, who otherwise looks to be a human, said that the rape of women (comfort woman) was ok because it relaxed their rapists (Japanese soldiers).
Comfort women were NOT prostitutes! They were set up to be raped by Japanese soldiers by the Japanese government.
Comfort women were kept in small cubicles that resembled micro-sized portapotties. They were forced to stay in these cells without being let out except every couple of weeks to wash themselves. These enclosures had chamber pots within them. Every fifteen minutes a Japanese soldier would enter and rape the woman inside the cubicle, and if the woman in anyway rebelled, she was pulled out, put to death and left where other women could see her as a warning. The soldiers gunned down lines of women if they caught STDs, instead of treating them. The women were treated as less than human all those years ago, and now Hashimoto dehumanizes them again.
What if a German politician came out and said that some part of the Holocaust was necessary? What if he said that the victims of the holocaust deserved kind words, but that killing them, torturing them, using them as slaves made the German soldiers relax, made them feel good because they were at war, and provided needed relief? How would the world react to that statement? How would the victims of holocaust feel? Is there inherently some difference between how the world views the victims of one country-wide tragedy to another? I wonder why one article on the BBC website is all the press this has received, and I wonder how different it might be if it were about another set of victims.
I cannot understand where Hashimoto is coming from but you can read it for yourself here:
“Japan WWII ‘comfort woman’ were ‘necessary’ - Hashimoto
- Nancy