My dad wrote me a letter from a detention center. He's waiting to find out if he will be deported or not. He's a permanent resident and broke some laws so the government is trying to deport him to Korea. Here is a translated version of his letter.
Praise be to Jesus.
I'm glad to hear that your family are healthy and well. Thanks to the money you sent in July, I'm able to buy various snacks and am well.
There are many here whose circumstances don't allow that and they just stare at others who are eating. I think it gives happiness and joy when one is able to gladly share with those around us who are less fortunate.
Rather than to those who share our happy times, to those who share our hard times is where our love flows and affections run deep. One can be healthy and suddenly, one can face hard times. Such is life.
In a little while, I'll be ending my time here. I'm choosing to think that it's one phase of my life that God is giving me, and trying to have a thankful heart, thinking of those who are less fortunate and pitiful than I.
According to the lawyer, things will be decided in mid November. But we'll only know when times has gone by and when all things that should happen, have happened. Things change so quickly, the outcome is unknown.
Your card was brimming with love and I received it with joy that I wouldn't exchange for anything. Additionally, you hand made the card and I could know how much you love me.
Your sister also has created a happy family and is living a busy life. When I see you both, I think that my daughters have turned out so well and am filled with joy and pride.
I think the ajumma [referring to his girlfriend] has a kind personality. Even during hard circumstances, she has a pleasant attitude and we have a good time every time she comes to visit. I tell her to stop visiting since it takes almost the whole day for one visit and she has to spend a lot of time waiting but she still comes. There isn't much time left in here but I'm still being healthy.
I called your sister. She was worried and told me not to worry about money and to just be healthy. Even though my current circumstances are difficult, I am joyful when I think about how kind my daughters are.
Your uncle [his little brother] says he'll visit in October. I'm not sure what's going on but I just heard that he's coming. He will tell me the details when he comes to visit.
Well until next time, I wish for you to be healthy and happy and have a peaceful family life in prayer.
To all of my loving family members.
Your dad.
I'm not sure why he thought the card was hand made, because it was not, but I'm surprisingly touched by his letter and his poetic writing abilities. I thought he was writing to ask for more money because that's the only time that he seems to get in touch with me but I'm glad that I was wrong. Anyway, I wanted to put it up here so that I don't ever lose it.
- Mary