Have you read this review of the documentary Seeking Asian Female? What are your thoughts? I have a non-Asian male acquaintance who has a definitive "type" of woman - tiny, feisty, hardworking, future-baby/homemaking Filpina; but he's also the uber-geeky American guy who long-distance "dates" women in other countries, making the occasional trip east when funds allow.
I found the story kind of fascinating - I, too, cringed, but still, I couldn't stop reading. Would you, like Sandy, stay so you wouldn't lose face upon finding that your knight in shining armor was not so shiny? Does it matter how they start if they fall in love with each other in the end?
Netflix doesn't have the Debbie Lum's documentary quite yet, but I've saved it to my queue... now, will I actually watch this when it arrives in mailbox?
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