I recently received an email from my friend Saebom, who is a Korean adoptee doing a research study on the experiences of Korean adoptees. This is such an under-studied topic, and I think it's so important that Korea adoptees are starting this research. Please help out if you can, and feel free to pass this information along!
- eliaday, who wants to help out a friend
We need your help if you are a Korean adoptee who is:
* Currently 20 years or older
* Went to Korea at age 20 or older
* Went to Korea and RETURNED to pre-Korea life
Please respond to our independent research study!
There are only 49 questions, and it should take 20-30 minutes. Email
us for the password at 2curiouskads [at] gmail com, and then proceed
to this link: http://www.kwiksurveys.com/online-survey.php?surveyID=BIDNH_636365b6. Be sure to enable cookies before you start so you can go back later on if you need to.
Some of these questions might seem personal, but the more open and
honest you can be the more helpful your responses will be for other
adoptees. Please know that your responses are generated anonymously.
Feel free to post this message on your own blog or copy, paste
and email it to anyone who might be interested in
participating. Or simply email us at 2curiouskads [at] gmail com, with
a list of emails, and we'll be happy to send out the information.
Here’s some info on us. We are Korean adoptees, 32
and 35 years old, who've been Korea 2-3 times. After we returned from
Korea last year we felt isolated. Displaced. Confused. Unable to ease
back into our pre-Korea lives. We wondered if other adoptees felt the
same way. More importantly, if they didn't, what had they done to
prevent these feelings from manifesting? What sort of foundations,
behaviors, life circumstances did they have in place that enabled them
to feel rooted and connected when they returned? And how could this
information offer support to other adoptees?
This is where you come in. If we get enough responses we will
develop the results into a presentation for the IKAA Gathering in Seoul
this summer so that your responses will help others just like you.
Much appreciation,
Rae Anne and Saebom
2curiouskads [at] gmail com
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