Like many Asians, I have major digestive issues probably stemming from my love of all things extra spicy and extra salty. Normally, my M.O. is to take two Tums with an Alka-seltzer chaser because there is no way I would give up the spice.
At a young age, I also learned how to poke, or ddah, my finger to relieve major indigestion. I am not sure if there is any medical research or proof as to the effectiveness of this technique, but it is a very old school, Korean thing to do. Apparently it is a pressure point that will relieve the build up of gas in your stomach. To start, have someone pound your back with the flat of their palm, in a downward motion. Then repeat in an upwards motion from the shoulder blade up towards the shoulder. By doing this, you are getting the blood moving. Then run your hands down one arm to send the blood down to your hand. Wait, it gets even more weird. Thus comes the tricky part. You have to wrap your thumb with thread so that you capture all the blood at your thumb tip. Then you skillfully and quickly jab the area right below your nail bed with a needle (I prefer a sewing needle, with the string attached to it). Hey, I didn’t say this wouldn’t be painful. The prick will slowly start to bleed and if the blood is a deep red, it is usually an indication of severe indigestion. Then repeat on the opposite arm/hand. The more blood, the better.
I’ve explained this to my non-Asian friends before and all I get are crazed, incredulous looks. But I swear it works! Five minutes after I poke my thumb, my indigestion subsides. Has anyone else heard of this? What other seemingly crazy but effective techniques to people use to cure ailments?
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